About Y.O.L.O.

Y.O.L.O. Isn’t just a saying it came from a family who worked for everything they had. It came from a man who came from a life of drugs since the age of 14 and tuned his life around in 2006. Y.O.L.O. Isn’t Just a clothing line or just a dream I had. It’s my life. Y.O.L.O. is the man who dodged the bullet in the game of Russian roulette to get a second chance at life. Y.O.L.O. is Life , Power, Second Chances. Y.O.L.O.

“ You Only Live Once”


We just want to wish everyone a happy new years. 2011 is going to be much better as a whole. Just remember you only live once. So live it up. YOLO
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The Gooneez

The gooneez have just released there new album. Go to www.thegooneez.com and download the new mixtape Astoria it's a banger don't miss out it's free their next one might not be holla!!

Online shopping

Today is one of the most hetic days at the stores. Why not shop from home $2 will ship your order. Shop online at www.theyolostore.com Happy Holidays and be Safe